On behalf of the European Alliance for Access to Safe Medicines, you are kindly invited to join the upcoming virtual roundtable event on “Nanomedicines and nanosimilars: the medical need for a centralised EMA regulatory process” which will take place on Monday 30 November 2021 from 10:00 to 11:30 CET.
With the ongoing revision of the EU general pharmaceuticals legislation, it is the right time to set the scene for building a pan-European medical agency consensus so that regulatory weaknesses can be addressed through a robust regulatory pathway and thus provide medicines with the highest quality, safety and efficacy profiles to European patients. This not only applies to existing medicines but the plethora of new medicines that are in the pipeline.
This virtual meeting will represent the occasion to further raise awareness on the complexity of nanomedicines and nanosimilars, and thus on the need that these products need to be reviewed through a centralised procedure to limit different approaches by Member States’ regulatory authorities.
REGISTER NOW – Please find below the final event programme.
We look forward to meeting you on 30 November 2021.